Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chevening Scholarship

This global programme operates in over 150 countries around the world. Chevening scholarships are predominantly aimed at Masters applicants but PhD applications will be considered if the Chevening Scholarship Programme can find a funding partner.

Applicants must contact the British Embassy/High Commission or the British Council in the country of which they are a citizen. Deadlines for applications will differ from country to country but the application process is identical in each case.

Charley Wootan Grant Program

Charley Wootan Grant Program: Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation (TG) has allocated $7 million to the Charley Wootan Grant Program. Of these funds, $6 million will be distributed to Texas students, and another $1 million will be distributed to students in other states, the District of Columbia, or U.S. territories to help pay for their college education.

The first-come, first-served, need-based grant program will provide up to $4,394 per successful applicant for the 2010-2011 academic year. Since 2000, TG has awarded nearly $9.8 million through the program, named in honor of the late Dr. Charley V. Wootan, a former chairman of TG’s board of directors.

AINSE – Postgraduate Research Awards

The Institute offers awards for postgraduate students whose research projects are associated with nuclear science, or its applications, and require access to the unique national facilities at the Lucas Heights Science and Techbnology Centre. Research Supplements are the principal form of award and are offered to scholars who are (or will be) in receipt of an APA or equivalent scholarship. The award also provides $5500 pa for costs involved in using the facilities and services at Lucas Heights. Certain travel and accommodation costs to enable students to work at Lucas Heights are also provided. Candidates for an AINSE award must be nominated by the university where PhD enrolment is held before 30 June of the year of application.

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The Monbukagakusho (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan: MEXT) offers scholarships to Australian nationals who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows:

Research Category

1. Tenable for 2 years starting in April 2011 or 18 months starting in October 2011.

2. Applicants must be Australian nationals and be graduates under 35 years of age on 1 April 2011 (born on